Monday, November 10, 2014

All hope is gone such a story, hope is not as obvious as survival and the seeking of the truth yet the only reason I kept reading  was hope! A dark world, a brooding instructor, mischievous initiates...not a lot of room for hope! The movie makes it even worse with the constant reminders that ranking will determine who is in and who will be factionless. Worst, fairly quickly Tris gets kicked out by Eric for not winning a fight...not really how it happened in the book!

Hope. I keep hoping I was wrong, I read wrong...Hope. Hope that the movie will provide an alternate happy ending that is not the book.  Hope. Hope that I have not wasted those last few weeks of my life engulfed in this world, avoiding everyone else (real people) for what seems nothing!

Hope is what drives me to turn the page until the end. Hope is what is taken from me when I get to the scene where Tris is killed. Yet, I keep reading because I need to check on Tobias.

Did Tris die in vain? It kind of seems that way but really she did what she wanted to do all along: seek and reveal the truth and make a change in the/her world. She did it! But she won't know it. She dies a hero.  Yet, she does not feel celebrated or recognized. The whole resetting memories...
What feels unfair is that of all those who fought so hard alongside her, only a few of the characters we have come to know and love  will reap the rewards of her final action. The rest of their world is ...unimportant to us because they are 'the masses'. I think Caleb making it out alive is upsetting too...At least Peter erased his memories...Caleb...Argh! Can Tobias fully enjoy the changes that have taken place in his world? Can Tobias heal? Does Tobias care enough that the factions are gone, that genetics do not rank people? I am not sure he does because he is left with nothing....He gained his mom back but he lost his future. How do you rebuild your life after such a series of event.

I am in pain!! The crying...The bleeding...The betraying...

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